Cancelling an order:
To cancel an order, call the office at 805-646-5818 or use the chat feature on the MODG website. If you cannot get through, email If your order hasn't shipped yet, it can be cancelled. If it has already shipped, a return form can be issued. Once the bookstore receives the books back in good condition, MODG can issue a full or partial refund.
Adding books to orders already placed:
MODG cannot add a book to an order after it has been placed, due to the way the payment system operates. You will need to place a new order. Another option is contacting the office to check on the status of your original order; if it hasn't shipped yet, it can be cancelled (and refunded), so that you can place an entirely new order to include the book.
Merging multiple orders:
Due to the way the system manages orders and payments, MODG is not able to offer order merges and refunds on shipping costs. You can contact the office, and, if your orders have not shipped, the order can be cancelled and you can place a new order with all the books together.
Missing items:
Double check that you've opened the bundles in your package; books are often shrink-wrapped together for shipment. If you still can't find it, contact and MODG will get it shipped to you without an extra shipping charge.
Incorrect items received:
If you received the wrong book, please contact and you will be issued a prepaid label for you to return the item; MODG will get the correct item reshipped to you without an extra shipping charge.
Extra book included:
If you received an extra book in your order, please contact and you will issued a prepaid label for you to return the item.