What does the homeroom teacher do?
Homeroom teachers meet with the student one-on-one once a week. During the meeting, the homeroom teacher and student discuss the current progress in all courses, the upcoming week’s assignments, goals for the week, and plans for how to achieve them. After the weekly meeting, the homeroom teacher submits a prioritized and organized list to the parent and student of what should be done that week, based on the conversation with the student.
The homeroom teacher helps the student:
- build habits of organization and time management
- prioritize assignments (if falling behind)
- cut assignments (if necessary)
Who is suited for Homeroom Support?
The situations where students will benefit most from this program are situations where:
- the student does not work well with the parent
- the student is seeking more independence
- the parents are not available to work with the student due to outside duties
The latter could be due to the parents either having to work outside of the house or having illnesses or disabilities in the family that preclude them from working closely with the student. In all cases, the parent would still need to keep up to date in checking their email and communication from the homeroom teacher.